New study published: Findings show Neo Force Control technology delivers significantly lower screw loosening rates.
The first clinical study on the Neo Medical’s force control platform has been published in Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery showing significantly decreased rate of screw loosening compared to rates seen for other systems in the recent literature.
The authors, Dr. Y Abdalla and Dr. S Hajdari, at the Nordwest Krankenhaus Sanderbusch, Sande, Germany has followed 150 patients treated with the Neo Pedicle Screw System™ for a mean of 1.2 years.
They report no hardware fractures, low rates of both screw loosening, and surgical site infections among their treated patients.
The authors conclude that when using the Neo´s force control platform they were able to better control the loads applied intraoperatively to the implants, and thus to the spine, avoiding unintended spinal stresses.
In addition, Neo´s lightweight instruments made from high-performance polymers that can be offered as sterile single-use products could be a way to reduce screw loosening and other implant failures and consequently lower implant-related reoperation rates.